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Abu Dhabi
February 23, 2024

Qutuhal Season 5 Grand Finale was celebrated with great radiance at GIIS Abu Dhabi!

In a dazzling display of talent, creativity, and innovation, the Qutuhal Season 5 Grand Finale was organised at GIIS Abu Dhabi. The 9-week-long event brought together over 5,000 students from 100+ schools, competing fiercely for the coveted championship.


At GIIS Abu Dhabi, the excitement was palpable as 15 of our talented students were honoured for their outstanding contributions and achievements in the competition. Their projects, marked by ingenuity and creativity, stood as shining examples of the limitless potential of young minds when nurtured and supported.


In addition to the winners, 5 other students were recognized for their commitment to innovation and their continuous participation in Qutuhal over the years. The award ceremony was graced by the presence of Mr. Ajith Rao, Chairman and Managing Director of ROVA Industries, who served as the esteemed chief guest. His words of encouragement and wisdom resonated deeply with the audience, inspiring students to pursue their dreams with courage, conviction, and integrity.


As the curtains closed on another successful edition of Qutuhal, the echoes of laughter, applause, and celebration reverberated throughout GIIS Abu Dhabi, serving as a testament to the power of creativity, innovation, and collaboration to transform lives and inspire change.


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